by Michalina Andrzejewska | 17 September 2022 | Blog
Recently I’ve learnt two lessons and they both had to do with the same element – water. The first one was as a lesson of letting go, acceptance and recognizing a powerful potential of your mind. And it involved a deliberate exposure to cold water. I”d like to...
by Michalina Andrzejewska | 27 August 2022 | Blog
Do you remember school exams, when you weren’t 100% sure which option was correct and you were browsing your memory, searching for answers? Perhaps you’ve heard your teacher say: if you don’t know the answer, go with your first instinct. 1. Inner...
by Michalina Andrzejewska | 7 August 2022 | Blog
Who believes in coincidences? We all have it sometimes. Something happens and you get this overwhelming feeling that it was meant to be. The Universe, God, or some other higher power has put some people on your way and allowed certain things to happen to make you...