RTT Utrecht hypnotherapy_Long-lasting transformations Utrecht Hilversum Online

Mind full of powerful stuff

for a body you
want and love

Reclaim a positive
self-image and health, and love yourself

I help individuals find freedom from pain, fears bad habits and limiting beliefs through powerful, lasting mindset shifts and self-love, so that they can feel great in their bodies, reach their full potential and live a happy life. Welcome to my RTT practice in Utrecht and online.

Mind full of

powerful stuff

for a body you
want and love

Ready to change your life at RTT Utrecht or online? Start with my free gifts

What’s eating you?

When looking in the mirror, do you feel insecure about the way you look?
…disappointed with yourself?
…uncomfortable in your body?

Does it frustrate you that no matter how hard you try, healthy eating and dieting don’t work out for you?

Are you suffering from an unhealthy relationship with food or eating disorders?

Are you so self-conscious that you won’t wear the clothes you love or enjoy the food without feeling guilty?

Have you been turning down opportunities to do things you’d enjoy if you only liked yourself more?

Do you think you’re not good enough, unattractive, unworthy?

Do you feel your confidence, health and wellbeing are on a downward spiral?

“The way to have a body you love is to love the body you have”

Marisa Peer

If it sounds familiar, you may be suffering from a low self-esteem, lack of self-love or struggling with body image. Your may feel insecure – about your looks, skills, potential. It happens to many of us and negatively impacts our health, mood, relationships and social life. It affects our chances in life. Whether you are a new mom struggling to return to your ideal weight, someone with poor eating habits, someone tired of restrictive dieting, abusive workouts, expensive procedures and supplements that don’t work, or someone afraid to date because you fear others might be as critical towards you as you are.

These issues may be caused by social pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards, hurtful comparisons to others, faulty upbringing and unmet needs. These factors may make us doubt our value and hate our bodies.

But there is a way out of this. This time for good.

While media and weight-loss industry tell us to restrict and punish our bodies to get the bodies we want, I don’t support abuse. I strongly believe that only powerful mindset shifts, self-awareness and self-love bring desired, lasting results.

Imagine it’s all within your reach, one powerful mindset shift away…

Imagine feeling confident in every situation. Relaxed, worthy, and absolutely certain you can deal with anything that life has to offer.

Imaging making a powerful shift. And completely loving yourself to the extent you are ready to welcome other loving relationships in your life.

Imagine being indifferent to whatever doesn’t serve you. Being thrilled and excited about making the right choices. And giving yourself love and care which you so much deserve.

Imagine being able to successfully deal with stress, loss, anxiety, boredom, and challenges. Without using food, drinks, or material stuff as a coping mechanism.

Imagine having the power to make better choices for yourself. And loving the choices you make.

I’m thrilled to help you make this vision come true.

RTT Hypnotherapy Utrecht Hilversum – Lasting Transformations. Psychologist, therapist in the Netherlands. Online and in person live, in English and Polish.Psychologist, therapist in the Netherlands. Online and in person live, in English and Polish.

Psychologist & RTT Therapist trained by world-class therapist Marisa Peer, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Hypnotist, Mindfulness Coach

Result-oriented therapist. Focused on treating the root cause of an issue and resilient mindset shifts. Can help you reprogram subconscious beliefs and build lifelong habits that support your transformation.

Here to help if you are motivated to take charge of your life and committed to your transformation. If you value your time and want fast results that stick after as little as 1 – 3 sessions.

Offering powerful therapy online and in person. Based in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Happy to work with non-native speakers, migrant and expat communities, in English or Polish.

RTT Utrecht – Long-lasting Transformations

Akredytowana Terapeutka NBVH Hipnoza Holandia
RBCZ Zorgkeuze Great Mind Lab Utrecht
Rapid Transformational Therapy Błyskawiczna Terapia Transformacyjna RTT
RTT terapeutka szkolona przez Marisę Peer Michalina Andrzejewska
Hipnoterapia Kliniczna Utrecht Online
Certyfinkowana Hipnoterapeutka Utrecht Online
Magister Psychologii Uniwersytet Gdański
Transformatie Support Michalina Andrzejewska psycholog rtt terapia utrecht online

How Michalina can help you?

Chances are you are visiting this website because you are in discomfort or pain. Maybe you feel stuck and frustrated, and want to change something in your life, let go of something or grow as a person. Maybe you are looking for help.

By leveraging the powerful potential of your subconscious mind, I can help you create lasting, permanent changes. I aspire to do it effectively and quickly, in as little as 1 to 3 sessions

Learn more about my approach.

Below I introduce the areas I specialize in.

If the issue you want to work on is not listed below, this does not mean hypnotherapy cannot help you.

Terapia RTT w Holandii i Online. Hipnoterapia RTT Holandia Utrecht i online - Trwałe Transformacje. Kontrola wagi, odchudzanie, wizerunek ciała & miłość własna

Weight Control, Body Image & Self-Love

Weight loss, body image, eating disorders, emotional eating, binge eating & overeating, food addictions, insecurities, unhealthy relationship with food, hypnotic gastric band, exercise, self-acceptance & self-love

Terapia RTT w Holandii i Online. Hipnoterapia RTT Holandia Utrecht i online - Trwałe Transformacje. Depresja, żałoba i cel życia

Depression, Grief & Life purpose

Depression, handling grief, loss, bereavement, sadness, break-up, divorce, guilt, shame, blame, low mood, joy and happiness, meaning of life, finding your purpose, burnout, tension complaints and overwork, dream career, anger management

RTT Hypnotherapy Utrecht – Lasting Transformations. Chronic pain relief, Physical issues, Insomnia & General Health

Chronic pain relief, Physical issues, Insomnia & General Health

Pain management, smoking cessation, gambling, alcohol addiction, controlled drinking, hair growth, sight, mobility, migraines, back pain, skin conditions, eczema, IBS, PMDD, fibromyalgia, tinnitus, sleep problems, physical complaints, nail biting, boosting immune system

RTT Hypnotherapy Utrecht – Lasting Transformations. Confidence, Success & Relationships

Confidence, Success & Relationships

Procrastination, self-sabotaging, believing in yourself, imposter syndrome, self-worth, abundance, motivation, achieving goals, career issues, interview skills, money blocks, emotional blocks, love blocks, creating meaningful relationships, difficulty to trust others, fear of intimacy, separation anxiety in relationships, commitment anxiety, lovability

RTT Hypnotherapy Utrecht – Lasting Transformations. Trauma, anxiety, fears & phobias

Trauma, Anxiety, Fears & Phobias

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex PTSD, trauma, childhood issues, stress, anxiety, panic attacks, public speaking, fear of flying,  fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of needles, fear of surgery, dental phobia, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), excessive worry, relaxation, calmness

Here’s how it works


Step 1

Book a complimentary Clarity Call with me. We get to know each other, learn if RTT could be of benefit for you and create clarity around the program.


Step 2

During the Intake a deep-dive consultation process takes place. Here we discuss in detail the changes you want to see in your life and create a treatment plan that suits your needs.

Step 3

In 1 to 3 powerful hypnotic sessions (in person or online) we address the root cause of your issue and permanently eliminate it.

Step 4

During 3 weeks after each hypnotic session in every RTT trajectory we focus on installing new, empowering beliefs and habits that support your transformations. You life changes for the better and you enjoy this newly found freedom.

RTT Utrecht – Long-lasting Transformations_RTT Hypnotherapy Utrecht & online

Welcome, I’m Michalina

Even as a child, I felt a deep fascination about human behavior and I developed a strong curiosity regarding what drives us and how the human mind works. I found that my empathy allowed me to understand people quickly, and I felt a strong commitment to helping those in need.

The desire to understand what drives us, why we suffer and how to bring about desired change led me to become a psychologist and later also a clinical hypnotherapist and mindfulness coach. 

I myself also learned through RTT how to overcome my own mental blocks and free myself from the burden of limiting beliefs that no longer serve me. For example, I was able to overcome a negative body image and sleep problems. Thanks to my own experiences and all that I have learnt from my clients, I have become an expert in establishing a powerful dialogue with the subconscious mind and in teaching how to finally start doing what YOU really want. And I’m excited to pass my knowledge to you.

My journey has brought be to establishing my RTT Utrecht practice, dedicated to your well-being. In my passion-based work I do what I love: help people transform their lives, bodies, belief systems and habits through self-love, self-awareness and a great, powerful mindset.

I would love to help you do this too because we all deserve this! 

“I am not what happened to me,

I am what I choose to become”

Carl Gustav Jung

What my clients say


“From the beginning of our collaboration, I was pleasantly surprised by the way we communicated and the structure Michalina applies in her work. I had two RTT cycles to help with my anxiety, panic attacks, somatizing, and the noise in my ear. Since then, I no longer have panic attacks, and the noise is almost gone. I also feel more comfortable driving and going out without worrying so much, as well as having more trust in my body and health. I’m really happy with the results! 

Michalina is very professional, kind, and made me feel at ease throughout the process. I highly recommend her to anyone who needs support in life!”

Victoria, Utrecht


For many years, I struggled with low self-esteem, jealousy, and the related fears. I tried therapy, a healthy lifestyle, and various self-help books, yet the problem kept coming back. Eventually, completely frustrated and at a really low point in my life, I was introduced to the idea of hypnosis, which turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. During the session, I cried and even surprised myself, and after that, everything just got better and better. I became calmer; my jealousy either transformed into something more positive or disappeared entirely. I can actually see my own self-confidence now, and I still amaze myself—sometimes I hardly recognize this new version of me, and I love it! Thanks to Michalina—who is incredibly friendly, funny, and professional—I’m now an optimist and truly believe in a bright future! Thank you!

Mirela, Rotterdam


Michalina is very skilled, kind, professional, and supportive. From the first session, I felt a positive shift in my mindset and emotional well-being. She guided me patiently and gently through understanding the root causes of my challenges, which helped me a lot.
The personalized recordings she gave me were amazing and made a big difference.
I’m really happy with the results after just one session and can’t wait for the next one.

Claudia, Utrecht


Since working with Michalina, my life has improved in so many ways. My wife noticed how much calmer I’ve become, and I’m approaching tasks, like running my side business and preparing for our holiday, with more confidence and ease. I’ve stopped striving for perfection, learning to be gentler with myself, and setting healthier boundaries.

I now consciously choose who to help without feeling guilty, and I’m no longer pushing myself to extremes. Listening to Michalina’s recordings has brought me deeper relaxation and clarity. Overall, I feel more at peace, kinder to myself, and more aware of the unique qualities in others. This journey has been truly transformative.

David, New York


“I struggled with my problem for a long time, I felt that nothing was helping, until I turned to Ms Michalina and I have no regrets! I am grateful, I feel finally free of my fears, calm, I don’t torment myself with thoughts… I enjoy my life much more and I am very positive. I recommend it to anyone who is having a hard time and needs a decent change!

Wiktoria, Rotterdam


I developed OCD after finding out I was pregnant during COVID. I convinced myself that everything outside of our house was contaminated and our house was our safe space. We started to take showers the moment we got back home, we cleaned objects that “came in” from outside (e.g. groceries, phones, laptop, clothes). I used to love to invite people over and I suddenly limited it as much as possible as the anxiety of having to clean the house the moment the guests left was overwhelming.

This anxiety of external contamination and the resulting OCD behavior stayed also when COVID was over. … >>”

Isabella, Amersfoort


“…At the beginning of 2024, after trying many times to solve this situation by myself, I decided I needed help. I went to a psychologist, however after months of therapy, I took very small steps of exposure that made me very uncomfortable inside. Rationally, I could understand that my fears had no foundation, so I thought I should try get in touch with my subconscious level.

I googled for hypnotherapists and the profile of Michalina immediately felt like a good match. I booked a clarity call and started my journey with her! I can only say it’s a choice that gave me back my freedom! After only one month I felt so transformed! It was an intensely emotional experience, but I felt so serene after the hypnosis session!… >>”

Isabella, Amersfoort


“…I decided I wanted to catch that positive wave to try expose myself to my fears.. that same day we started to stop showering when going back in the house after having been outside. And a few weeks later my neighbor rang my doorbell to give me something back, and I let her in without cleaning right away once she left! And the most amazing part of all is that all these exposure steps never made me feel anxious.. it just came naturally and made me feel so happy! 

Michalina was wonderful throughout all the journey! She is so supportive and empathetic! I never once felt judged! She just genuinely wanted to help me and went the extra mile to do that! I would advise her to anyone… I was feeling so hopeless and now I’m alive again!

Isabella, Amersfoort


“After therapy with Michlina I’ve been feeling absolutely amazing. The changes are so noticeable that I’ve had to get used to this new version of myself – sometimes I hardly recognize me, and it’s incredible! I listen to the recording every day, it always makes me smile and really boosts my confidence. I’ve noticed so many improvements: I no longer blush when someone suddenly talks to me or tries to embarrass me, and I can hold eye contact with ease. I actually feel very confident looking people in the eye – wow! My voice sounds stronger and more self-assured now, not weak like it sometimes was before.

My feelings of jealousy have dropped by about 90%. In situations where I’d usually feel at least a little jealous, I catch myself waiting for that feeling to show up, and it just doesn’t! I’m calm, stronger, happier, and I love it.  I’m still getting used to this inner peace, but it’s amazing. I feel like all that fear has disappeared. Choosing therapy with Michalina was truly the best decision I’ve ever made!

Oliwia, Almere


I can’t just recommend Michalina, I must highly recommend her! I did a 3 month programme with her, including three hypnosis sessions, and I’ve gotten and continue to get really great results. Michalina is skilled, intuitive, compassionate and caring beyond the level of almost anyone I’ve met in the 68 years (so far) of my life. Despite differences in age, culture and background she helped me very much in many ways. Her professional help was worth every penny I spent.

Peter Gordon, Pittsburgh


Michalina was recommended to me by an acquaintance who solved her back pain through sessions with Michalina. I did not know what RTT was. Michalina explained the process and what my expectations could be.

After gaining insight into the aspects we wanted to tackle, Michalina guided me step by step in her friendly, knowledgeable and warm way. The RTT session was very special; it helped me get a different perspective on things (pain, bad habits, events in the past and mourning a close deceased person in the present). We discussed my experiences, and in a number of follow-up sessions, we were able to follow the experiences and improvements. I hope that Michalina can help and guide many more people with her special approach.

Anna, Soest


“Thank you so much for this wonderful journey in which you guided me so amazingly! I will be forever grateful to you for helping me get back on the right path! I’m happy you did help me realize something that I didn’t connect before. I do feel that I have taken some huge steps that I couldn’t even imagine before.

I found my recording very helpful and reinforcing of the positive feelings of after therapy session. It was very useful! When I found taking a new step difficult, listening to the recording made it “lighter” to handle the difficult situation

Michalina, you have so much empathy and I believe that because you really listened to me, you know which cords to pull in my mind to support me and motivate me! Thank you! 

Milena, Hilversum


“I appreciate Michalina for everything she’s done. Working with her was such a great experience, and she’s such a wonderful person. The discoveries made during the process were deeply meaningful, and the music list – what a fantastic idea! A big thank you to Michalina once again!

Tineke, Baarn


“My RTT session with Michalina was such a beautiful and cathartic experience that allowed me to connect so many dots… It finally made so much sense. And even if it was emotionally heavy, I left with a positive feeling! All in all, I keep reminiscing the hypnosis as a beautiful experience!

Chiara, Utrecht


“I’ve noticed a significant shift in myself since my session. My family has been complimenting me on how grounded and productive I’ve become. Even in stressful situations, I’ve been able to stay calm and focused, handling things with a sense of balance. I feel much more confident, organized, and overall better about myself. It’s exciting to see these changes unfolding, and I’m looking forward to making an even greater impact with what I’ve learned. The session was incredibly powerful, and I’m truly grateful for the experience!

Adam,  Philadelphia


“My therapeutic program was profound. I feel a very transformational shift in myself, a serenity and confidence that is really encouraging and amazing. I feel like a different person.  Thank you Michalina for being present and with me, as I evolve, as I listen less and less to the false voice/witness in my head and move more and more into who I really am.

Aron, Pittsburgh


“I found Michalina after I’d had some big changes in my life. I needed a new direction but didn’t really know how to decide what to do next and I felt totally stuck. Michalina helped me work out what I really want and in doing so helped me to face and deal with issues that I’d had all my life. The RTT session really shifted things for me and gave me a powerful sense of clarity and peace. I feel like I know myself so much better and I feel equipped to deal with whatever might come up in the future. I feel truly comfortable with myself and excited for the future, for the first time in years. Michalina is kind, wise and very intuitive and she was able to understand me and my issues very quickly. She is a very talented therapist and I warmly recommend her!

Rachel Thompson, Arnhem


For many years I was involved in the therapy world.  Healing seemed an endless pursuit.  A friend of mine recommended RTT and another friend Michalina.  And I wasn’t disappointed.  I find RTT to be such a different refreshing method of touching on the traumas, not getting bogged down by past experiences and/or traumas, but instead gently opening up the mind to go to those places of pain and bring clarity.  And Michalina’s ever so gentle support and professionalism in carries you through the oftentimes intense sessions is bringing that healing I’ve sought for so long but alluded me with other modalities.  And the recordings serve as an ongoing therapy and support through your own personal RTT journey!

Alina, Miami


“Michalina, I can’t thank you enough! It was a lovely experience and I’m so glad that I found you! The big news is that I just got an email accepting my application for the position we talked about. I’m feeling excited and curious – we’ll see what happens! Thank you again, and I wish you all the best!

Nina, Nijmegen


I had a wonderful RTT experience with Michalina. Before meeting her I was struggling with anxiety, fear, OCD, depression and suicidal thoughts. I felt completely hopeless and limited. I was convinced that happiness, success and confidence were far beyond my reach.

Michalina helped me open my eyes to a new world, a new reality. Slowly but surely I began to see how wonderful I am and how many amazing things I can do. I learned that I am capable of controlling my thoughts and feelings. That I can find happiness in my daily life and have beautiful relationships with the people around me.

Today I stand strong and confident, knowing that I can achieve anything I set my eyes on. I feel happy, healthy and calm. I feel transformed! Thank you Michalina for this wonderful transformation! I feel amazing!

Daria, De Bilt


Dear Michalina, I would like to thank you very much for guiding me through the paths of my personality and taking an in-depth look at what is unknowable in me and why it affects my daily life so much. Michalina has proven to be a great observer as well as a transformative catalyst. Her professional approach and knowledge is a great detective tool as well as a mine of ideas to find the right key to free us from past programs.

As we know, not all changes that occur within us are pleasant and easy to accept. But believe me it is really worth the risk!!! What we may lose are the old programmes that are really only limiting us but the win may turn out to be bigger than you think .
This is where we win – we win our lives, our freedom and our integrity. In my story Michalina’s help was invaluable. I recommend Michalina’s help to all those who want to courageously go through life with full self-awareness.

Lena, Diemen


I had social anxiety, low self-esteem, and was not able to set boundaries, to just name a few. As a result, I was struggling in life and people were taking advantage of me. After many years I decided to go to a therapist but the sessions didn’t have much effect. When I started the RTT therapy with Michalina I felt from the start it was different. To my surprise I had to cry a lot, I am usually not really a person that cries much. I started to feel a big relief and understand myself much better. 

I was becoming more kind and loving to myself. Something I didn’t do for at least 20 years! Within only a week after the session I was able to solve a very big issue, I thought in the past it was impossible for me to solve on my own. I started to understand that RTT is very powerful and can really help to change your life in a more positive direction.

Francesca, Bilthoven


“I can highly recommend working with Michalina. She is highly skilled, very empathetic and working with her was a pleasure. The methodology she uses, RTT, is very powerful, as it works directly with the subconscious mind. I approached her as I had noticed that I held limiting beliefs about expanding my business and being visible online. The RTT session was literally an eye opener, as I was able to access some very early memories that were at the root of the limiting beliefs that were holding me back. After the consolidation process I feel confident and empowered to pursue my goals. The transformation I have been able to achieve within such a limited time is impressive. Thank you, Michalina, for the incredible work that you do.

Julia, Utrecht


“I really think RTT is amazing.  This therapy is such a blessing.  To see and feel growth and movement inside is phenomenal. Thank you for your guidance and support in this journey!”

Hanna, Hilversum


Michalina is a highly skilled therapist with a lot of patience and very friendly approach. The RTT hypnotherapy was a very pleasant experience that helped me to overcome my anxiety and anger issues. I highly recommend Michalina’s services. Do not be afraid! Just one session can solve the problems that have been accumulating in your head for years. Thank you Michalina.

Leon, Manila


I love this therapy.  It’s like a mini therapy session each day!  Thank G-d and thank you Michalina for your guidance and support on this wonderful journey!”

Leah, Zeist


I was seeking out for many years some type of therapy to sort thru some very challenging childhood events I was dealing with […].  My feelings of guilt shame, overwhelm, and fear had become extremely debilitating. I was aware that I was essentially my own worst enemy as I had a daily war with the sentences in my head about myself which were tearing me apart […].  Michalina was introduced to me as an RTT professional thru another friend who had seen tremendous healing physically and emotionally even after the 1st session.  She had dramatic results pretty quickly […]. Michalina was very clear and concise in her prodding to get to the root. The sessions flew by as I naturally melted into this work.  It was seamless. I am amazed how I was able to shift out of my rut and block. The daily meditation tape kept me on track in my work… >>”

Miriam, Tampa


“... The main thing I was able to almost eradicate was my tremendous guilt I carry around.  Also a physical habit I was grappling with for years dissipated (trichotillomania). Thru Michalina’s handling of my seemingly monstrous issues and her ability to clarify for me my life events and reframe them was very healingAnd all in such a gentle way. The best part was my shift from a very negative mindset to one of hope and promise marked by positivity, which eluded me for so long. I believe anyone who has experienced any trauma which is hard to reach with just conventional therapy could greatly and rapidly be helped thru RTT […]. “

Miriam, Tampa


I can’t say enough about Michalina and this therapy! After being to many therapists over the past 40 years, just one session with Michalina was literally life altering. A shift was felt rapidly. Hence Rapid Transformational Therapy really lives up to its name and such a pleasure to experience it with such a calm, loving, empowering person guiding it.

Esther, Orlando


Working with Michalina through RTT has been a game-changer for me. I came in with persistent nausea and anxiety, not knowing what was causing it. After just one RTT cycle, not only did the nausea disappear completely, but I also gained clarity about the root causes of my discomfort. I now feel so much better, more at ease, and in control of my thoughts and emotions. I wholeheartedly recommend Michalina to anyone dealing with nausea or anxiety. Thank you for your help and support!”

Sara, Amsterdam


“Thanks to Michalina’s RTT practice, I experienced an incredible healing journey after an accident. Through hypnosis and the power of my mind, I not only prevented a scar but also witnessed my skin’s rapid transformation.

I feel I really harnessed the potential of my subconscious mind to accelerate healing. With every passing week I saw my skin and overall well-being improve significantly.

I am forever grateful for the scar-free recovery and the newfound belief in the mind’s incredible capabilities.”

Mirela, De Bilt


Michalina is so professional and understanding. I had a very eye opening experience with my RTT session. Stuff that was dug deep inside came to the surface and Michalina walked me through it with understanding and compassion. I highly recommend her. One session plus the personalized recordings can be life transforming.

Maria, New York


“I would like to extend my gratitude to Michalina and her great commitment and contribution to my case! Before my RTT session, I struggled with PMDD which caused me to have a lot of mental problems, including depressive moods, prior to my period each month.

During my session with Michalina, I felt very well supported and calm. The recordings provided by her helped me fall asleep and I very much enjoyed listening to her relaxing voice. 

And now, I’m so amazed, since I already feel much more balanced and happier than I did before… >>

Nathalie, Amsterdam


“…I have really been able to notice the results early on after our hypnotic session.   

I think a wide range of individuals can greatly benefit from a session with Michalina, as different mental issues can be tied to beliefs we inherit from our childhood. In fact, I am convinced this type of therapy can be more effective than some other types of psychotherapy involving a larger time commitment. 

I am positively surprised by the effect RTT has had on me and can highly recommend choosing Michalina as your RTT therapist.

Nathalie, Amsterdam


“Michalina is an amazing RTT therapist. She is very intelligent, warm and kind. She so smoothly put herself in my shoes, understood me and was therefore able to help me in an amazing way. She put plenty of time in preparing and personalizing my session as well as in making the recordings for me to listen to before and after the session. Her follow up after the treatment deserves a medal. Her professionalism and kindness too.

I came to her with excruciating pain and heavily drugged so I could tolerate this pain which had a physical reason.The session lasted two hours, after which the pain disappeared for 95% and I was able to stop using the painkillers… >>

Fleur, Utrecht


 “…Now that I was made aware of the real source of the pain, many things started to change in my life. I started being mentally much more healthy. I am now able to be myself, to free myself from perfectionism and to leave the past behind me. My whole family is changing because of my transformation.

Rapid Transformation Therapy is really rapid and I recommend Michalina for being an extremely good, warm and conscientious therapist.

Fleur, Utrecht

RTT for hair growth

If you are ready to step into your power, I highly recommend booking a session with Michalina

Michalina is such a fantastic therapist. I only had one session with her for hair growth, and that was all it took. Already two weeks after my RTT session I could really see that my hair is growing thicker and more robust.  Three months later the results are great. And I feel so much more confident. If you are ready to step into your power, I highly recommend booking a session with Michalina. You will have no regrets. I absolutely love listening to the personal transformational recording. At the end of the day, it’s all I look forward to. I will be recommending Michalina to family and friends.

Willow Woolf, Ulverston


 “My session with Michalina had a purpose to help me to get over my big fear of getting on the back of a motorbike and moving on the motorbike with somebody else. During the session Michalina was very tactful and caring, she made it very easy for me to open up and be extremely honest with myself about the moments in my life that were not very pleasant. Looking into one’s fear is never easy, but with Michalina I always felt at ease and encouraged to go beyond my current limitations. The session allowed me to make some very surprising discoveries about myself, which were not only helpful with my fear of motorbikes, but in other aspects of my life. After the session I felt uplifted, some inner transformation has happened.

After the session I’ve been listening to the recording that Michalina made for me personally. I appreciated it very much! And one day I suddenly felt completely indifferent towards motorcycles… >>”

Aneta, Stockholm


 “…And finally, about a month after our session, I was in Rome with a friend who offered to show me his city on the back of his motorbike. A real-life test for RTT! Well, it went absolutely amazing! In the beginning I was feeling quite stiff, but gradually I could breathe more, and by the end of the day I was feeling absolutely comfortable, leaning right and left, and really enjoying the ride, the city, and the company! It is a fantastic feeling, to get over one’s fear, it was like I created a new dimension of freedom for myself.

I am so grateful for Michalina for helping me with this issue, and I can recommend her from the bottom of my heart!”

Aneta, Stockholm


“I have asked Michalina for a session to help me overcome my low self-esteem, low energy and weight issues. I was not expecting that within just 3 months I will fill so much more energized, happier and motivated. The sessions gave me my vigor, attitude and self-confidence back and I feel like I got my life back. I now enjoy my daily runs and going to the gym and although I still have some way to go I am really positive about this road ahead of me.”

Iwona Kubny, Tilburg


“Before the treatment I had my doubts about hypnosis, but now I’m grateful I did it. I had sessions for multiple issues with Michalina, including smoking cessation. I decided to seek help when it became a threat to my relationship, health and my finances. That was a great decision. Treatments were truly liberating and transformational. I’m now a better partner, free from addictions and healthier. I’m now 90 days smoke-free and have no further interests in cigarettes.”

Petra, Münster


I was extremely anxious and stressed before an upcoming surgery. I’m an elder person and was expecting the worst outcomes and preparing myself for the worst. I felt paralyzed by fear. Michalina helped me change my attitude. When I woke up at night, close to a panic attack, I listened to the recording I got from her, and immediately felt better and calm. It made me believe the surgery will go well. I believe it also facilitated the healing process after the surgery. I’m thankful for this experience.”

Annemarie, Utrecht


“All my life I felt like a failure, believing I wasn’t good, smart and pretty enough. I became an emotional eater and used food to deal with stress. I didn’t even think it could change until I connected with Michalina. After I followed her transformational program, I’m no longer interested in snacking and junk food and I eat half portions. I feel more relaxed and fit, and I’m free from guilt. I no longer feel pressure to apologize for anything and I can finally enjoy my life. I believe in myself.”

Sophie, Den Haag

My program is different

It’s rapid and solution-based. I apply psychology, coaching and Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®). Instead of treating the symptoms, I focus on treating the root cause and eliminating it from your life permanently. 

Together we create new, empowering belief systems and develop lifelong habits that support your transformation.

Through hypnosis you’ll reprogram your mindset from within. And you’ll create a massive shift and lasting results for your health, body, confidence and relationships with others.

If you are curious about what hypnosis may feel like, I’ve prepared a free hypnotic recording for Inner Calm and Perfect Relaxation.

Most of us never learned to:

  • address unmet needs we had as a child
  • manage our emotions and stress without having our body and health pay the price
  • identify fears and blocks we learned through life and how to unlearn them
  • find balance and harmony in a day-to-day chaos
  • resolve childhood traumas
  • recover from rejections
  • love and accept ourselves
  • prepare ourselves for meaningful relationships with others
  • put ourselves first without feeling guilty
  • take a good care of ourselves, respect our bodies and our time
  • set clear, healthy boundaries in a kind way
  • move through heartbreak, pain, uncertainty and discomfort
  • be authentic and truly connected to others
  • silence an inner critic and awaken an inner cheerleader

…but it’s never to late to change it.

Here’s how your life will change as a result of a program I created for you:

  • You stop wasting your life hating, criticizing and punishing yourself
  • You feel enough, worthy and complete
  • You restore a perfect relationship with your body and food
  • You end toxic dynamics and patterns, and you silence negative self-talk
  • You come to your senses and express your emotions
  • You forgive yourself for mistakes from the past
  • You realize you have a full control over your thoughts and use it to your benefit
  • You have phenomenal copings skills and stop reaching for food, alcohol, shopping, work when you face a challenging situation
  • You become your best friend
  • You let go of mental blocks and fears, and start living life on your own terms
RTT Hypnotherapy Utrecht – Lasting Transformations

Get your free hypnotic recording to upgrade your beliefs

Feel calmer and increase your overall sense of relaxation with this free guided visualization.

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    This call is for you to get clarity on how and when you could be helped with the issue you are experiencing.